Text away

I’m worrying about predictive texting. Don’t get me wrong, I’d not be without it – imagine having to spell out every word when texting with cold fingers while also juggling a clipboard, leaflets etc

But I am a bit disturbed at the way the mind behind predictive text works. It’s obviously geared to a different kind of party animal. Rolling day, anyone? Perhaps you’d like to put up a porter, or endorse our sledges?

Maybe I should adopt the first word on offer as a kind of code. It would certainly save time. As long as Richard understands when he gets a text that says, “I’ve finished sinning and am now on the cup.


  1. You’d be even more worried if you knew one of the guy’s who wrote Symbian’s predictive text 😉

  2. Alix said

    The one that always gets me is “mum”, which comes out the first time as “nun”. What can the logic in that possibly be? It’s not even alphabetical. Who are all these people who frequently need to make use of the word “nun” in text messages, and should they be arrested?

  3. bridgetfox said

    Excellent! As in “sorry I missed your call, I was sinning (or possibly pinning) my nun”.

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